Orbital Welding Controller Accessories


Orbital Welding Controller Accessories

Orbital Welding Controller Accessories

Remote Control Pendant Orbicontrol-1

8mtr cable remote control, if required additional 8mtr extensions available for Basic, Orbital and Integral Tigtronic Controllers.

  • Start, downslope and termination of weld sequence
  • Travel jog buttons
  • Wire feed Jog buttons

Package includes:

  • Remote control with 8mtr cable

 Item No. 1.3.0021

Extension Cable Orbicontrol-1, 8mtr (Item No. 1.3.0022)

Remote Control Pendant Orbicontrol-2

Wireless remote control with all the functions of the Orbicontrol-1 for operation with the Basic, Orbital and Integral controllers.

Package includes:

  • Wireless remote control
  • Black leather case with clear window
  • Reciever


Item No. 1.3.0023


USB-Stick, 1 GB (Item No.. 1.1.0202)

Memory-Card-Reader with RS 232 Interface Cable

Item No.Nr. 1.3.0025



Can be used for storing and transferring up to 200 weld programs, transferring weld record data from controller to PC and upgrading the operating software.

 Item No. 1.3.0024